Five and a half years ago when we were preparing to make our move from Tuscaloosa (Roll Tide!) to come to seminary, I didn't have any idea what would happen once we graduated. But I knew it would be a "grand adventure". Would we be headed somewhere for a PhD program? Would I be assuming the role of "pastor's wife" (a role I wasn't sure I wanted)? Would we be moving out of the country as missionaries? It never crossed my mind that we would stay. "Jackson", I thought to myself, "is just a temporary place until we're given the real assignment." How wrong I was. As we went through 18 months of job-hunting, missions-agency applying, and presbytery-intern-finishing - I kept looking for what's next. I kept thinking God was teaching me about patience. I was even so foolish (stubborn?) at one point as to think - "oh I can out-wait matter how long he has us waiting...I will do it." Doors kept closing. I...
My oldest child just had a birthday and we're now done with the "little years" and into what the experts call "middle childhood". This got me thinking back to the year I found out I was pregnant with her and the many ways my life has changed since. Let's take a (slight) step back in time to our former president's first run for President, a (new) economic crisis, and my list. "What List?" I can hear you thinking. (Or if you actually know me, " which list?") The one my newlywed husband and I made on our first married New Year's Day (totally my idea). This list contained goals: personal, professional, spiritual, family. I still have it tucked away. In the category of "family", the "long-range/5yr" plan said: "think about having a baby or adopting". And that was all the thought I gave to a family for about 9 months. I was finishing grad school. I had an internship to complete. All A's to m...