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Image Bearers in the Internet Age

I haven't posted in a long time (obviously), but this post has been in my mind for awhile and I don't think it is going away.

Over the last few weeks I  have become WAY more aware of internet animosity.  Have you read the comments section of any news story lately? (If you haven't - don't!) The comments are full of hate.  They are full of judgement.  From all sides.  Instead of spending too much time discussing that - and thus adding to the problem of internet hate, I want to suggest a solution for Christians.

Remember that every single person in the whole world is created in the image of God.
 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27, ESV 

The immigrant (legal or illegal), the addict (sober or not), the incarcerated (innocent or guilty), the adoptive parents and the parents who had their parental rights terminated, the list goes on and on.  There are no exceptions to this image-bearing.

I am all for the first amendment and the right to free speech; I am simply asking you to think about this idea of image bearing.  If you take a moment to think about people as image bearers of the true and living God, perhaps our judgments won't come so quickly.

The world might not know we are different - the internet is an easy place to be anonymous after all; but I would hope and pray this concept of image bearing would overflow into our everyday lives and interactions and cause us to stop and think.  And love.


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