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Please Stop Ranting (from someone who's been on both sides)

I want to the government shutdown to end as much as anyone.  But probably not for the reasons you might think.  I am sick of the facebook judgements that have come along with it.

I have (what I think) is a unique experience.  I have a master's degree in Social Work.  I studied poverty, social justice, social programs, child welfare.  I worked in a Children's home and a Medicaid contract program.  Now (at least according to the federal guidelines), I live on the poverty line.

My family chose this so my husband could go to graduate school.  But while I understood the mathematical costs, and I was am trusting that we are following God's will, it's still hard.  I didn't know there would be an emotional cost.  They can't teach you that in graduate school (they do try, but you can't fully understand something you have never experienced).

Over the last year my family has been on most of the major social welfare programs: Medicaid, food stamps, WIC (we work two part-time jobs). Before this, I was familiar with all of these social programs for work.  But working for/with them is one thing, the process of applying for and using them is another experience altogether.  I have been grateful for them, embarrassed by them, annoyed and frustrated by them, sometimes all in the same day.

So, before you post whine about the government and people who take advantage of it, please be aware that not only are you probably not being a good witness to your non-believing friends, you may also be knocking down the ones in your Sunday school class, on the pew behind you, keeping the nursery, and first-time visitors.

If you really feel you must say something, maybe you could call your Congressman instead.

PS I am not trying to make you feel sorry for me.  I just want you to know things are not always as they seem.  Also this is not at any particular church, but "The Church" as a whole.

PPS Mom- I promise we are doing fine!


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